double love ritual

Just a lovely psyland ritual done by basti and angelo together. it was done really spontanios and become really serious. if we work togehter its like a combination of our different way to create a tattoo. but at the end its looks like its done by one.

we are open for projects like this, 




the third dimension

one tattoo over ten people

vision, plan, design and logistic by little swastika

done in one session in 33 hours

by little swastika, gerhard wiesbeck, freak mike and basti

and dorsch and manu as two helpers


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the amenra project

a tattoo – music – art – ritual including a tattoo over three peoples

by little-swastika with the help of freak mike and gerhard wiesbeck

with and for  ‘AmenRa’


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the love tattoo

one letter over 4 peoples

done by little swastika in 32 hours over 4 days in italy


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the swastika

as part of the krizel kratzel exhibition of little swastika

the swastika over 4 peoples

by little swastika, basti, dorsch and manu


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